Ketchup |
Gregory Morris, 6/30/06 10:50:06 am |
What'd daddy tomato say to baby tomato when he was lagging behind? Splat!
I haven't blogged in a while, so I thought I'd *cough* catch up. Wha Jasia day was great... same horrible music, same drunken shenanigans. It just wouldn't be Wha Jasia day if Pat and I didn't get into a wrestling match. The only problem is that my standard anti-drunk greco-roman style doesn't work too well against his plastard-spaniard-watches-too-damned-much-UFC style. What a host of characters we had there. I certainly hope there are some good pictures (I certainly didn't take any.)
So after drinking quality whiskey all night (none of the standard Jasian Early Times for me) I rushed back to Morgantown after about 4 hours of sleep. It was raining like crazy, so I was basically in an 80 MPH controlled hydroplane all the way up I-79. The only reason I had to rush was my softball game, which I promised I wouldn't miss. Had I known we were gonna beat the ever-living snot out of our opponent, I might have let up on the gas a little, but it was still a fun, wet game. As of right now, our team is 8-2. We've 10-run (mercy) ruled every team we've beaten. We lost to the #1 undefeated team, and one kinda lousy team (we were missing good players, and everyone just played/hit horribly for some reason.) So we are ranked #3. If we win our next two, we will be #2. I doubt the #1 team will get knocked off, so we'll just have to be happy at #2. Actually, I'm ridiculously happy with #2, since we only won 2 games last year: one legitimate hard-fought victory, and one forfeit. We were in the next-to-last place at the end of the season.
I've been hitting the bluegrass CDs pretty hard these days, and I want to tell you: everyone around me is sick of it. *g* I borrowed Monica's copy of "The Vaughns"'s CD, and man it kicks some tookus. They are a local (Bridgeport, WV) family band that played before Rhonda Vincent at the show we went to at the Sagebrush Roundup.
Let's see, what else.
Me, Beth, Jessica, Will, Monica and Linda (Monica's mom) all went camping down at Audra State park a few weekends ago. That was a blast. I must say, I really prefer primative camping and backpacking, but since I also like spending time with Beth, this is an appropriate compromise. The river (Middle Fork of the Tygart) is beautiful, and I would definitely be up for a hike down there in the winter. The campground was a little crowded for my taste, but I can imagine why it would be with the beautiful weather we had. Highlights: fishing at Teter Creek Lake (nobody caught a damn thing), making ice cream with one of those ice cream balls (feet are still sore from kicking it around), and as always, campfire breakfast (mmmm, eggs, bacon, potatoes, coffee.)
Isaac and I discovered the joys of kegging and force-carbonating beer. We usually just add a bit of sugar to the beer then bottle it. That gets the beer nice and bubbly, and it usually turns out OK. But it also takes a few weeks of bottle conditioning before you can drink it. When you put your completely fermented beer into a keg, and then pump it up with CO2, it gets bubbly, and you can drink it immediately! So I went over expecting to take a few hours to bottle, and ended up drinking a fine (extra-ish) stout within about an hour! I think we'll do this for now on when we brew most of our ales (belgians aside... gotta bottle them.) We may keg some lagers too, since we brew them in the winter anyway, and we can cold condition the entire keg just by leaving it in a cool closet.
Anyway, the next week is gonna be pretty hectic. We've gotta do wedding-related stuff since my brother is getting hitched, and we have to clean the house since we'll have guests over.
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