Question: "galco stow n go glock 27 review"
Answer: I like the one my wife has for her Glock 19. It doesn't keep the gun 100% in place like a quality belt-loop holster, but I prefer the ability to shift it around a little if I need to for comfort. It doesn't really shift much on its own though.
The re-enforced mouth sorta-kinda stays open for careful re-holstering, but I wouldn't suggest using it for competition shooting.
It is an excellent holster for people who don't carry daily, because you can just stow it, and go... hence the name. I haven't carried it enough to recommend it for daily carry, but it would probably fit the bill. It is comfortable enough with a Glock, but I'm not sure I'd carry a pokier gun with it.
Remember, like any soft leather holster, it requires a break-in period. When it is brand new, it is incredibly tight, but just like a baseball glove, it will break in quickly with use.