Mini-Catastrophe and Much Miscellany |
Gregory Morris, 5/21/09 11:11:37 pm |
I got a text message from my wife early this morning informing me that the bathroom had about an inch of water on the floor. And so did the hallway, the bedroom, and the closet.
When I got home, Beth had taken care of everything, but we now have 4 roaring air movers and a giant dehumidifier running full blast in the bedroom... not conducive to a good night's rest. Oh, and you know what else makes it hard to go to sleep after something like this? A frickin' $500+ bill because decent homeowners insurance doesn't exist in Florida.
Ah well. At least I had the opportunity to turn rare and expensive shiny little doodads into noise. That was fun. Been a while. My accuracy with the snubbie (if such a thing as accuracy with a snubbie exists) is definitely better than the last time I shot it. Dry-fire practice really does help, especially for shooting a double-action gun.
Unfortunately, I have to ration my live-fire practice time because nobody has any ammo and my supplies are getting dangerously low. Actually, my range did have some 9mm, with a 1-per-person ration. They had some over-priced .45 (hey, at least they have it!) They had a little bit of nearly everything else.
Funny story, I thought they had some .380ACP (there were boxes by the 380 sign) so I quickly sent a message to Robb asking him if he wanted some. He was all excited until I found out it was really .32... Ah well.
By the way, I have this really nice Don Hume pocket holster that Uncle gave to me to give to Robb for his new Kel-Tec P3AT. Uncle didn't need it anymore because he got some Crimson Trace laser grips, which don't work with the holster. Since Robb got laser grips too, and since I traded my Kel-Tec in on Beth's pink gun I have no need for it. So, anyone need a pocket holster?
What's Up
Lessee, what else... its been a while since I've posted anything. Penguins still kicking ass. Work still sucks. Creating a nice new website for my church. I also have more in my backpacking/survival series in the works.
Florida Politics
The guy whose signature is on my concealed weapons permit was going to run for FL governor, but now he isn't. Its a shame really, because the other options are all pretty lousy. Our current governor, Charlie "I swear I'm a conservative even though I don't act like one" Crist is playing the Obama game. That is to say, he says one thing and means the precise opposite.
I'm really sick of Crist, but the Republican party in Florida doesn't have a damn clue about how to be conservative. Instead of throwing their support behind the guy who actually espouses the ideals of the Republican party, all of the resources will probably go to the guy who supports Obama's socialist agenda.
Seriously Florida GOP, what gives? Do you even care about being conservative anymore? |
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