Off to the Land of Hockey and Maple Syrup! |
Gregory Morris, 5/31/07 9:04:38 am |
This will be my last entry for the next week or so. As I mentioned before, I'm heading to Canadia for some hardcore fishing. Just got the fishing report for Lake Atikwa... Folks have caught a few 50 inch Norther Pike, and lots of smaller ones. The Lake Trout bite is phenomenal (people are catching 40+ a week) and the walleye bite is insane! We have been advised to pick up some leeches for bait, or at least some leech-looking jigs, because they are killing 'em right now.
I'm flying out of Tampa this evening, and I get to wait all night in International Falls for the rest of the crew to show up (Friday, AM.) I didn't figure it was worth it to get a hotel room for the 8 hours or so I'll be sitting around, twiddling my thumbs... so I'm just gonna bum it. I figure I can hang out at the airport (which apparently is tiny) unless they close up at night. If they do, I'll just wander around town. Maybe I can find an all-night diner or something. From what the all-knowing internets are telling me, there is just about nothing to do in International Falls, particularly late at night.
In the late AM, we'll be taking a van across the border and up to Nestor Falls, to meet our float plane. From there, we should make it to Lake Atikwa in time for dinner. I'll be back late the following Friday, with a sunburn, bug bites, and a belly full of walleye and trout |
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