Read this article.(Via SIH) It reminded me of something many of us, including myself, often forget while engaged in the debate over gun control.
Whenever I talk to someone about shooting sports in general, the conversation inevitably veers towards the legal aspects. I make a point, when discussing the freedom enumerated in the Second Amendment, that gun control isn't about guns. The rhetorical fight we engage in daily isn't about guns. When I make negative comments about a political candidate's position on gun control, it isn't just because they want to "control" guns. It is hard for people to see past that sometimes, especially since actual gun-related issues are also important to many of us. In many cases, I find it better to frame this particular issue in the context of basic liberty, and how attacks on the Second Amendment (and every other freedom besides) are, in reality, far more dubious than ho-hum government regulation. |