From the wifey.. |
Beth, 9/23/03 9:11:45 pm |
"But it's fun to be married!' So just because Greg and I got married, don't mean all you out there need to be freakin' out about not wanting to and getting scared your women will make you. Yes, Greg and I love it, but if you're not ready then by no means rush right out there and get hitched. Being married is a very special and important decision. I do think all of my friends (well, most of them) will get married some day, but not yet. You guys live your life enjoy being single, enjoy those first special weeks in a new relationship when everything is exciting, scary, and magic. You'll only have that once. We have enjoyed all of those different special relationship stages. Most of them great some of them hard, but they were all unique. I guess what I'm trying to say is, Enjoy where you are now!! You'll know when it's time to make the next step. And you do you'll be just as excited about it as we are. : -) |
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