Molon Frickin' Labe... |
Gregory Morris, 6/12/08 10:54:17 pm |
This isn't about my guns this time... it about my fishing pole.
Just one question for the fed.gov: are you kidding me?
Seriously. This is patently ridiculous. If they want my assistance in preserving our fisheries, then I will volunteer catch information... hell, if the government wants better fisheries info, just check the fishing reports. The fishing has gotten better everywhere since the residents of this great state told gill-netters to bugger off. That's a fact. And they don't need me to register to understand that.
We tolerate all manners of limits and slots because most of us don't rely on fishing for food. At the same time, there hasn't been a revolt due to the way recreational anglers get screwed while the commercial fishing industry is collectively fellated by their regulatory agency pals.
...but that's not what a registry is about, is it? It would likely require the Florida Legislature to eliminate a long-standing exemption for people who now fish from beaches, docks and piers without needing the $17 annual license boaters require. First of all, this is the federal government getting involved in the state's business. Are they going to threaten to cut off our highway funds over this? I know it won't get that far because most states have been conditioned to offer a sharp salute, and a "yes sir" to the feds, before bending over. It always ends well, doesn't it? For the good of the planet, we gotta close up another non-existent "gaping loophole", and fork more money into a useless bureaucracy that won't even be able to tell us what any salty old fisherman can.
Of course, in addition to land-based anglers getting screwed, the rest of us will see the cost of a fishing license double, if not triple. If that doesn't make your ass twitch, then just wait until the NMFS comes up with "new numbers" that require an immediate ban on snapper (for recreational anglers only of course.) We're almost there now with grouper. "Florida has an awful lot of fishermen," Colvin said. "There is a very substantial portion of them that fish from shore." And we pump a crapload of money into the state economy, and it is our dollars support the study and conservation of Florida's fisheries. Don't even begin to hint that recreational fishing is causing a problem.
But we know this isn't about preserving our marine resources, its about the feds getting their damned grubby paws onto one more thing that is mine. If the federal government tells me I must register with them to drop a line in the water, all I have to say is: COME AND MAKE ME. |
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