Stupid Environmental Regulations |
Gregory Morris, 7/22/08 10:34:48 am |
Better install a water purifier on your bilge pump.
What a load of crap. I'm all for keeping our environment clean. I know that if the water is dirty, there will be no fish, and if there's no fish, then I have no reason to take my boat out. You're damn skippy I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure I don't do anything harmful to the environment... and I'll also report people who are.
This new regulation creates a significant burden on recreational boaters and fishermen. But that burden isn't the big problem. The problem is that most "violations" of the rule are going to be used merely for generating income via fines. This is because the rule requires that pretty much any water which leaves your boat to be "clean". This means that flushing livewells, emptying your bilge, and washing down your deck are now things you can possibly be fined for. In addition, this gives authorities one more reason to stop and/or board you. They can already do it to verify you have all of the Coast Guard required safety gear, and check your cooler for undersized fish. Now, instead of just making sure you have some flares, a fire extinguisher and some PFDs, they'll be able to go through your bait wells, bilge, pumps, hoses, and pretty much anything they want in order to find a violation. Like the Coast Guard rules, these searches will only be conducted in order to uncover more violations.
A lot of marinas already have significant rules in place, because they have a huge interest in keeping themselves clean. Marinas are where these issues come into play anyway. More government regulations are not gonna help anything, because adequate enforcement is completely impossible. Instead, its going to give the LEOs who patrol our waterways one more thing to worry about instead of safety. |
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