Decisions, Decisions. AR vs AK. |
Gregory Morris, 2/1/09 9:21:54 am |
So, we just got our tax return back. (Beth is a complete tax-prep ninja, who can out-turbo Turbo Tax, out-quick Quicken, and leaves top-tier H&R Block pros looking like a bunch of drooling babies.)
Most of the money is earmarked for certain necessities, like paying off the "6 months interest free" credit we bought our new bedroom furniture with before we have to pay interest. However, there is enough leftover to have a little fun. As tempting as a week in Mexico would be, I'm out of vacation time, so our first choice is out of the question.
My birthday is coming up soon, and Beth, besides being a ninja, is a completely awesome wife. She said to me "Greg, you need a black rifle." Not only because they are nice to have, and I've been wanting one for a while, but as she put it, "As a 'F@$# You' to the government." We all know a ban in in the works, even if it takes a while to get off the ground. It is part of the ruling party's platform to re-instate the Clinton Ban, only with all the "loopholes" removed. It is on Obama's to-do list, right after "spend a metric fuckton of our children's money" and "buy a dog for the girls".
So, we've been shopping.
And the infamous question arose... do I want an AR-15 platform rifle, or an AK clone? Or do I want something else entirely?
The closest gun shop to us actually specializes in EBRs, and they have a decent assortment. They also apparently have a sweet stockpile of stripped AR lowers. $200 each, but the store owner said I could buy "as many as I want."
Anyway, the AR platform is more accurate, amateur-gunsmithable, and customizable than the AK. None of those things, of course, are different by a large margin. The AK platform is cheaper, shoots a cheaper round I already stock, and seems to make liberal reporters poop their pants more often than AR rifles. The AK is the go-to evil assault gun, whereas the AR is just black and scary. Either one would accomplish my "scare liberal weenies" goal, and both are "accurate enough" for zombie work. Buying an AK would leave me with a little more money (for ammo, or a stripped AR lower), but buying an AR would give me more options for expansion down the road (I could buy additional uppers for different purposes.)
Then, there's the "none-of-the-above" response. I've looked at: FN FALs, VZ58s, Robinson Arms, Dragunov-style rifles, M1 Carbines, M14-ish rifles, Ruger Mini-14s, Auto-Ordinance Thompson (drool), etc.
The only real criteria I have is that the gun definitely has to be something that:
A) makes Paul Helmke cry and
B) shoots a common caliber (unlike Robb I don't drool over the latest .293 Blastomatic Magnum)
C) something I can buy locally (there's a decent selection)
D) be either a rifle or pistol-caliber carbine
So what says the blag-readers? |
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