Questions for AHSA |
Gregory Morris, 3/26/09 10:17:20 pm |
Caleb, co-host to Breda on the fastest hour on teh int3rwebz, and captain of a burgeoning gun-centric media empire has mentioned on a few occasions that there is a chance that a representative from AHSA might come on his show to answer some questions.
I personally doubt it will happen, seeing as how they are actually an astro-turf organization whose sole purpose is to get Democrats elected... and they only have about 6 members, including Bob Ricker's mom. However, there is still a chance one of those 6 members will actually make an appearance on the show.
Since I know Caleb is busy practicing for the Bianchi Cup, chasing squirrels, and trying to find a therapeutic dosage of Ritalin, and Breda is busy being an awesome, gun-toting librarian, I thought I'd offer my assistance in formulating some questions:
1) When the NRA endorses both Democrats and Republicans, they are accused of being partisan. When the AHSA calls themselves "non-partisan" and then endorses only anti-gun Democrats, what does that make them?
2) The AHSA opposes the Tiahrt Amendment. Does Bob Ricker like for cops to be killed because a politically motivated pseudo-journalist decides to publish sensitive operational data leaked to him by an anti-gun bureaucrat? Does the AHSA have an honest reason why the Tiahrt Amendment should be repealed, that doesn't rely on scare-mongering and half-truths?
3) What has the AHSA done at either the federal or state level to actually support either hunters or shooters in America? Name one thing. Just one. I'm waiting... Anyone? Bueller?
4) When Harry Teague (D-NM) declined your endorsement, did that hurt your feelings?
5) How many millions of votes/dollars would they be willing to invest in protecting the Second Amendment?
6) Once you stop laughing about #5... What SPECIFIC proposed gun control does the AHSA disapprove of? How much gun control is "enough"?
7) A man who rapes a goat violates only the rights of one goat. However when Ray Schoenke donated a large sum of money to the Brady Campaign, he was actively supporting violating the rights of every single American citizen. Does that make Ray Shoenke more than 300-million-times worse than a goat-rapist?
Everyone else should feel free to add their own. I know Caleb will appreciate the help. I really hope he chooses to use that last one. |
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