The smell. Every region of the world seems to have its own unique set of aromas. Iraq is no different. When I stepped off the plane, I thought, "boy it sure smells like shit here." Usually you get used to the smell of wherever you are, but that hasn’t happened yet. It still smells like shit.
I don’t think it is Iraq, necessarily, that smells bad. Rather, it is the burn pits, incinerators, diesel generators, sewage plants, etc. that are required to support such a large number of temporary residents. However, I can’t be entirely sure, since I don’t venture outside the wire. I still doubt it smells like roses and freshly mowed grass.
One of my co-workers said that given the length of time this region of the world has been settled, it might just be the smell of some 9000 years worth of desiccated Ubaid, Uruk, Akkadian, Sumerian, Amorite, Cassite, Hittite, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian remains we are inhaling. |