Greg and Beththe political and personal musings of two mountaineers living in west-central Florida
Blogging...Who really is reading out blogs?? |
Beth Morris, 12/12/03 4:32:17 pm |
So the debate has come about receintly that maybe we should write such "personal" things in our blogs. Does what we write offend people? Does it hurt people's feelings? Or do people need to take it for what it's worth?
My sister and I were having this talk and afterwards I'm still not sure what I think. I guess there is a line you shouldn't cross, but do people always think of every single person who might read their site when they write their post?
Of course not. But you never know they might! What does everyone think about this? Should there be a line drawn between writing for your mental health/saying what ever you need to get feeling out into the open vs. saying things that could offend someone and hurt feelings.
I think people should be honest. You are who you are and maybe some of the offense comes from lack of knowledge. Before one can accuse, really know the person on the other end of it.
Another question. Has the internet allowed us to be too open with our lives? Should be be "airing our dirty laungry" as one angry blog reader made reference to (not on here, we have no dirty laundry at gregandbeth.com folks) I guess it's different for different people. What is private to one person may be complete public knowledge to another. I for one know am that way. For those of you know me REALLY. You know how important it is for me to be open about certain aspects of my life. Others might be embarrassed about these same things, shameful, scared. Who know.
Do others have the right to use what was blogged against you? Should they be allowed to take your feelings and turn them into something shameful? Let's hear what you have to say!
(for all those wondering what the heck is going on. Read Erin's blog, and read between the lines)
**Disclaimer*** What I say here is just my OPINION! What I saw can not be used against me in a court of law(lol) or by anyone for that matter. I am just airing my thoughts. |
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