Lovely Weather We're Having |
Gregory Morris, 10/12/07 11:09:20 am |
The only way I can really describe the weather today is in terms that are only familiar to those of us who grew up in the Appalachians.
You know that first clear, blue-skied day of spring, when the air is still crisp, barely breezy, but it is warm enough to break out your short-sleeved shirts? You know that feeling when you wake up after that early spring evening where you could still see your breath, and the campfire was really needed to keep warm (and that additionally required just a few nips of whiskey to ward off the chill), then walk outside and realize that spring has arrived? That's what I feel like this morning.
To me, this weather is "sitting up on top of a mountain, out in the middle of nowhere" weather. This is the weather which would normally cause me to I break out my boots, swap out the heavy layer in my modular sleeping bag, toss a bag of granola into the framepack, and start driving towards Dolly Sods. This is the weather where I would pack away my backwoods winter trout-fishing gear, and start organizing my various bass plugs, jerkbaits and jigs for some pre-spawn bass action. This is the weather that prompts you to drive down to Bluehole, and tip-toe into the water, only to realize that it is still just newly melted snow, and cold enough to turn your skin blue, but you get in anyway because you know you'll be able to sit on a warm rock and dry off afterwards.
I guess this is what the beginning autumn in West-Central Florida feels like. Too bad there aren't any mountains here. |
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