Shut Up. Just. Shut. Up. |
Gregory Morris, 11/27/07 10:18:53 pm |
The will of the people my ass. You're starting to sound an awful lot like Nancy Pelosi.
Regardless of what distorted view you may have about what "will of the people" really is, this case has nothing to do with that. Stop trying to lobby the Supreme Court, because A)it won't work and B)it pisses me off.
We've seen this same tripe a thousand times now. Same old Brady Bunch Bullshit.
The people of this country know that sensible gun laws save lives. No, sensible Americans realize that gun control is what you do instead of something. If "the people of this country" feel differently, then by all means, let's repeal the Second Amendment. This case is purely about law, and I don't give a damn if 99.9% of the DC population is for gun control, because that .01% still has rights.
I'm not a wheel-barrow-full-of-cash member of the "gun lobby", and neither are any of the other members of the grassroots tribe. Unlike those of you who want to deprive citizens of their rights, we don't need astroturfing or paid shills to pound pavement... we all enjoy doing it for free.
For example, Hawaiians banned assault weapons and required a permit to purchase handguns. Californians banned assault weapons and required universal background checks for every gun purchase. Coloradans closed the gun-show loophole. Illinois residents closed the gun-show loophole and required child safety locks sold with each handgun. Michiganders require lost or stolen guns to be reported to the police. New Yorkers banned assault weapons and closed the gun-show loophole. Virginians limited handgun purchases to one a month. First of all, that's just a shopping list for us. Second, and more relevant, is that those state laws have nothing to do with this case. Nobody involved is questioning the legality of gun control, only gun bans. I dare you to call this uphill climb towards regaining our rights a slippery slope. I dare you.
I am hopeful, however, that the Supreme Court will do the right thing. Me too. Regardless, in case you haven't read the constitution in a while, whatever the Supreme Court says becomes right, regardless of your misplaced hopes and wishes.
if the justices reject judicial activism and refrain from substituting their own policy preferences for the people's elected representatives, then the District of Columbia will prevail. I hate to tell you this, but federal judges aren't elected. I agree that judicial activism is generally a bad thing, but no amount of screaming about what you think the Second Amendment really means will make one iota of difference when it comes down to actually interpreting what it means, in grammatical, historical, and social contexts.
As a lawyer and a lifelong Republican... Hah. You are telling me that you are a scumbag, and a big-government-loving douchebag. Don't play the Republican card here, bucko, because we don't give a shit. |
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