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    AHHHH. This is my favorite view of the bay.


    While I was fishing, I fed shrimp to the conchs, snails and hermit crabs.


    This is a fun place to be at low tide. There are all kinds of critters scurrying around (can't see 'em in this pictured, but take my word for it.)

    Mudflats again

    These flats are on upper tampa bay, in the "Mobley Bayou" park, near Oldsmar.

    Sunset over Tampa Bay

    This was taken from the fishing pier in Oldsmar at sundown. This is also the time when the catfish start biting... so after I took the picture I reeled in about 6 of the pokey slime-tubes.

    Sunset again

    Can't help but taking these. Wow, I wish you could have seen the sky. Pictures never do justice to the painted Tampa Bay sky.


    Some berries I found growing in Upper Tampa Bay Park. This park is fantastic. It has some nice trails, boardwalks and a nature center. Lotsa critters here too.

    Controlled Burn

    I guess they do these controlled burns pretty often to keep the underbrush clear. The palmettos grow all over the place, and they are perfectly happy to be burnt... they come back perky as ever.


    It isn't flora, it isn't fauna. I guess anywhere in the world where there is a moist shady spot, you'll get mushrooms.

    Upper Tampa Bay Park mudflats

    The mangrove mudflats around here are home to all kinds of critters. Also, around high tide, you can catch snook and redfish right along here, as well as up in the mangrove creeks.


    Lotsa spikey plants down here. You gotta be careful running through bushes.

    Flying Spaghetti Monster

    Florida Foliage has been touched by His Noodley Appendage.

    And the lemon Flower is sweet

    But the fruit of the lemon... goes great in a cocktail!

    A Portrait of the Lizard as a Young... Lizard

    This fellow wasn't camera-shy at all. I got a bunch more good pictures, but he insisted this was his good side.


    My aunt has a bunch of different types of citrus trees... oranges, lemons, limes, kumquats, and little round orange-colored orange-flavored lime thingies. All great for cocktails.

    Hungry Bird

    And here he's got the shrimp I gave him.

    Another Bird

    Also begging for shrimp

    Bird Again

    More bird. Each of the shots are of different birds... but there were a bunch of them on the pier while I was fishing.

    Yes. A Bird.

    Uh huh. Bird

    Ok, so I have a lot of bird pictures. They do like to stand still longer than say, a fiddler crab or a lizard. What can I do?

    One Fish

    I caught a bunch of these little guys. They swarm in on anything you throw in the water and destroy it in seconds... Gotta find a way to avoid them, or at least keep my bait intact long enough to catch something good.

    Two Fish

    Still working on the Redfish and the Bluefish.

    Bird bird bird

    They will try to steal your bait if you aren't paying attention.

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