{Images in gallery Akumal 2005}

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    Enjoying a good book in the hammock

    There is nothing that could possibly be more relaxing for me.


    This is what we woke up to every morning.

    Akumal Roads

    They were still in pretty rough condition in some spots, but not terrible. The improvement during the week we were there was astounding.

    More Towel Origami

    It seems we can't go on vacation without finding a towel-swan in our bathroom :)

    Lol Ka'Naab Condos

    This is where we stayed. I recommend it to anyone staying in Akumal. Sandy (the owner) was very helpful, and Elio (the property manager) bent over backwards to help us out.


    The kitchen in our condo. We didn't use it all that much because there are lotsa good restaurants in Akumal, most of which had already re-opened.

    The smallest Gecko

    He was there to welcome us every evening when we came back to the condo.

    Akumal Bay at Sunset

    Just lovely. We spent a number of our evenings enjoying a drink at Lol-Ha.

    Akumal Bay Boats

    There were lots of small boats available for fishing, scuba and snorkel trips. Some people complain about having the boats there, and their environmental impact, but I think most of the owners are respectful of the reef and other people.

    Pool near Budha Gardens

    This pool is right between the Lol-Ha Bungalows/restaurant/hotel area, and the Budha Gardens massage place. We spent an afternoon there with some other Loco Gringos.

    Beach Dogs

    There were about 5 dogs and 3 cats that we met in Akumal. They were all VERY friendly... especially if you had food :)


    The top of the jeep didn't do much for keeping the elements out.

    North of Halfmoon Bay

    South of Halfmoon Bay

    Beach south of Tulum

    This was a beach south of Tulum, on the road to Punta Allen. The road was pretty rough in spots, and this particular beach looked like it had collected a lot of garbage during the hurricane.

    Capitan Carlos

    Here is our Captain Carlos holding the yellowtail that Beth caught.


    After a bit of a fight, we got him aboard.

    Big Nasty Pointy Teeth

    He managed to bite Carlos while he was trying to remove the hook. Of course, I returned the favor later that evening at La Cueva Del Pescador!

    Spoils of the day

    We only caught 2 fish, but had a great time out on the boat.

    Cliffs on the shore at Tulum

    Ruins on the Cliff

    Tulum was a major Mayan port town. No wonder they chose to build it here...

    Greg at Tulum (1)

    I'm trying to load some more film into my camera while Beth is photographing me. If she'd have waited about 10 more seconds, I would have had time to make a goofy face.

    Greg at Tulum (2)

    In front of yet another Temple or something.

    Greg and Beth at Tulum

    Here's one of the rare pictures of Beth and me together.


    I had to fight the urge to waste entire rolls of film on the lizards. They knew perfectly well how to pose for pictures though.

    Lizards on the Ruins

    You can't really tell from the picture, but the tops of most of the buildings here were lined with Iguanas, who were enjoying the sun.

    More Ruins

    More Ruins (2)

    More Ruins (3)

    More Ruins (4)

    More Ruins (5)

    Rocky Beach

    Rocky beach by the Tulum Ruins.

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